
Our goal is to be a church that is built on the foundation of prayer. Our times spent praying together are fruitful and powerful. Join us for these special times of praying for the needs of our church, community, and the world.

Thursday Prayer Meeting


The Thursday All-Church Prayer meeting is a time of corporate prayer led by our Elders. We pray over the needs of our church, our communities, mission’s partners and more. This prayer meeting is the third Thursday of the month at 7 PM. Check the events for details.

Saturday Morning Prayer

Saturday Morning Prayer happens on the first Saturday of every month. It is a time of individual and corporate prayer led by the staff, and also includes a time of devotional and worship. It is designed to allow for personal time to quiet ourselves and hear from the Lord. Check the events for the next Saturday Morning Prayer service.

Submit Prayer Request

The Radiant prayer e-mail chain is made up of people from both our congregation and friends of Radiant. When you submit a request you can be certain that there will be people praying for you and your request. 

Submitted prayer requests are approved by our administrators and then sent to our prayer request subscribers. In light of privacy acts that greatly restrict the disclosure of patient information by hospitals and health care providers, we at Radiant Christian Life also want to honor the privacy of individual's. While Radiant is not in the same category as health care providers, we want to be respectful. Therefore, if your prayer request is related to an individual's health condition, we ask that you please limit the details of the individual's condition to comments such as Good, Fair, or Critical. The good Lord and Healer will know the specific needs.

Join The Prayer Chain