GRACE: Grace is the face that love wears when it meets imperfection. (Joseph R. Cooke) Grace is not an excuse, nor is it permission. It is a free gift to the undeserved.
PRAYER: Pray Together. We don’t know what God will do when we pray, but we know that when we pray something changes. We pray to listen.
COMMUNITY: Be Together. Spiritual growth happens in the context of community. We are a group of natural-born enemies called to be a small part of what God is doing.
GROWTH: We (as individuals and as a congregation) are in process. We are no longer who we used to be, but not yet who we will be.
SERVICE: Serve Together. It's not that God has a mission for his church, but rather a church for His mission. God has called us to Him and alongside Him as co-laborers.
MISSION: Fulfillment of the Great Commission. Serving and sharing the Love of Jesus with our community and around the world.
Our Focus
God has called us to be a people on mission together to make disciples, through sharing the message of Jesus and demonstrating the love of Jesus
We fulfill our God given purpose by following the plan that He has given to Radiant in this season. God has called us to Pray Together, Be Together, and Serve Together. We believe that this ultimately allows us to change the world together.
Through our faithful and obedient giving to the church, we support Radiant’s ministry in our community as well as with our missions partners across the globe. Through our over-and-above giving we invest in projects with Local Reach, a Global Impact, or an investment in the Next Generation.